Certificate and Award Templates Ready to Download Free
Certificate and Award Templates Ready to Download Free


Nan Shastry, CEO
Brainy Betty, Inc.
Huntington, West Virginia Area
Phone: 513-898-0224
email: brainybetty@gmail.com

Use the certificate templates to print out and personalize for your work or personal needs. Print out on parchment or other quality stock papers to use. (You'll need to unzip these files and use PowerPoint to print them out and customize them for your own use.) Some of the files are in .jpg format. Just insert them as backgrounds in PowerPoint by going to the View/Slide Master template. Then you can customize the certificates.

Very simply, you can download anything on this site for personal or business or educational use. You can share these downloads with others as long as you give it to them and not "sell" it to them. I would appreciate if you told these people that you share with where you got the downloads yourself!

All of our pages are encoded with copyright software.

All other content on this site: copyright 2007 Nan Shastry - Owner, Brainy Betty, Inc. & its licensors. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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