Connecticut Department of Revenue Services - State Tax Forms & Publications
Connecticut Department of Revenue Services - State Tax Forms & Publications
Department of Revenue Services
25 Sigourney St Ste 2
Hartford CT 06106-5032
Phone: +18003829463
State of Connecticut - Department of Revenue Services
Forms and Publications
A link to tax guides, publications, regulations, rulings...
Download CT Package X,containing most current Connecticut forms and instructions.
Other Ways to Obtain Forms
Prior Years' Tax Forms for Businesses and Individuals
Applications/Registration Forms
Register your new business or add new tax types to an existing registration.
Current Year Tax Forms by Tax Type
* Individual Taxes: Income, Individual Use...
* Gift, Estate, and Fiduciary Income
* Business
* Sales and Other Vendor Taxes
* Excise
* Public Service
* Real Estate Conveyance
* Misc./TSC Request Forms/Short-Term Payment Plan Request Form
Other Ways to Get DRS Forms and Publications
Connecticut Package X
DRS no longer produces a paper or CD version of the CT Package X. DRS does
produce a version of the CT Package X that can be downloaded from the DRS
website. The new version, containing most DRS forms, is added to the website
each January. There is no charge for downloading Package X. NOTE: Bulk orders
for forms are not accepted. Practitioners are urged to download Package X or
the individual forms from the DRS website.
Single copies of Connecticut individual income tax return booklets are
available throughout the filing season in Connecticut libraries, town halls,
post offices and banks and at all DRS offices.
Fill out and submit the Online Order Form and the single copies of forms you
order will be mailed to you. Bulk orders for forms are not accepted
By Telephone
Call CONN-TAX at 860-297-5962 (Hartford area or out-of-state) or 1-800-382-9463
(in-state only) and choose Option 2 using your touch-tone phone to order forms
or publications. This option is available 24 hours a day. You may leave a voice
mail order outside of regular business hours or when all representatives are
busy. You may also contact the Forms Unit directly at 860-297-4753. The Forms
Unit will not accept bulk orders for forms.
All Online forms and some DRS publications are in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher to view and print the paper or fillable versions of our forms. For additional assistance or if you are have trouble downloading a form, visit our Adobe Information page.
Download a Free Adobe Acrobat Reader >
Using Fillable Versions of Forms
The Fillable version is available for some but not all DRS forms. Fillable forms allow information to be entered on the form before it is printed out. Because you use your keyboard to enter the data, the data you enter will have a professional look and will usually be easier to read than if you enter it by hand. The fillable version will not perform tax calculations for you. You must do the calculations manually and enter the results on the fillable form. You cannot save the form with the data you enter using Adobe Acrobat Reader; you only have the ability to view and print it out the form with the Reader.
If a form can be electronically filed, we urge you to use the electronic filing option and we do not provide a fillable format.
WebTV Restrictions
WebTV users are NOT able to view or print PDF files.
To view or print forms and publications on our site, you must have a computer with the software package Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or greater installed. This is because documents are stored in a special format (PDF), which allows for rapid access on the Internet while preserving the exact format of the original document. The PDF format is used widely on the Internet, and the Acrobat Reader is available for most major computer systems, including Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, and Windows NT, Macintosh, OS/2, Linux, and most major UNIX platforms.
Unlike personal computers, WebTV is a product that does not allow you to add software or store data. As it does not have this capability, it cannot be used to download and view or print forms or publications from our web site.
For further information about Adobe Acrobat, please see the Adobe web site.
Content Last Modified on 4/2/2009 12:01:12 PM
Copyright (c) 2002-2009 State of Connecticut.