Delaware - Department of Finance Business Tax Forms & Publications
Delaware - Department of Finance Business Tax Forms & Publications
Division of Revenue
Thomas Collins Building
540 S. Dupont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302.744.1085
Fax: 302.744.1095
State of Delaware - Department of Finance: Division of Revenue
Forms Listed by Number
Prior Year Forms
Please Note: The forms on this website are available in PDF format. This requires the use of an Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher, which may be downloaded free of charge from Adobe Systems.
* Alcohol Beverages * Business Licenses
* Business Tax Credits * Cigarette/Tobacco Tax
* Contractors * Corporate Income Tax
* Gross Receipts Tax Forms * Hotel, Motel and Tourist Homes
* Manufactured Homes * Partnership
* Petroleum Wholesalers * Public Utility Tax
* Realty Transfer * Withholding Tax
* Withholding Agent Application * Wholesale Exemption Certificate
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