Florida Department of Revenue - Download Current Year Florida Tax Forms
Florida Department of Revenue - Download Current Year Florida Tax Forms
Florida Department of Revenue
104 Carlton Building
5050 W Tennessee St
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100
email: EMailDOR@dor.state.fl.us
Florida Department of Revenue
Download Current Year Florida Tax Forms
* Choose a Tax Category:
* Get Forms
The Department's most commonly requested tax forms are available in the pdf file format. To find the form you are looking for, choose a category from the menu above. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print them. Download the latest version for free from Adobe's web site.
Forms submitted to the Department must be printed on a laser or inkjet printer with a resolution of 300 dots per inch or higher. Forms printed on a dot matrix printer cannot be accepted. If you are unable to meet these requirements, you can order forms to be mailed to you.
Help for downloading forms:
* Do not bookmark individual forms. When a form is updated, the old version is
removed from the web site. If you try to retrieve an outdated form that you
have bookmarked, you will get an error message.
* If you have trouble viewing or downloading a form:
o Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
o Click on your web browser's "reload" or "refresh" button.
o Empty your web browser's cache. Find out more.
o If you have done all of the above and still can't get the form you need,
refer to our frequently asked questions for possible solutions.
Florida Department of Revenue Form Ordering System
Use the online application below to order paper forms to be mailed to you.
* For help using this system, please e-mail dorforms@dor.state.fl.us or call the
Forms Distribution Center at 850-488-8422.
* For answers to tax questions, call Taxpayer Services at 800-352-3671.
* Orders are limited to 100 of each product type. If you need more, please e-mail
You also may download current year or prior year forms.
* Select by tax type:
* Enter Quantity
* Click on Submit
Alternative Florida Tax Forms
These are forms that are produced using commercially available software programs and are not produced by the Department of Revenue.
Find out more about alternative forms and vendor requirements.
Look for registered vendors.
* Vendor site (password required).
* Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Information for businesses that want to develop EDI software, please contact us by secure email.
(c)2009 Florida Department of Revenue