Free Award Certificate Templates -
Free Award Certificate Templates -

Faye Khan
PR Coordinator
2257 SW 15th Street
Deerfield Beach, Florida
United States 33442
Phone: 954-283-8693

Free Award Certificate Templates Custom Built


Printing out elegant certificates has never been easier!
It’s 100% free!

Motivating, Appreciating, and Inspiring Family and Friends with Awards and Certificates

There are many purposes for the use of awards and certificates. It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to shop for unique gifts, rewarding children for a job well done, or even showing appreciation to other family members and friends for any reason; printable awards and certificates are a great way to serve your needs. Certificates and awards offer an inexpensive option for all of your gifting, recognition, and motivational needs. Although you might think they’re more useful for work or school, using them in your personal life can add value to your relationships with people and provide a great way to show people that you care.

Using Awards in Community Service

Community service is a very admirable accomplishment for anyone, whether they choose to do it on their own or if it’s a requirement for school, work, or any other organization. No matter what, they deserve to be recognized for their efforts, because they’re doing something that they’re not getting paid for, and don’t have to do. By using free awards and certificate template downloads, you can offer reward and recognition, motivation, and great gift giving ideas for all the volunteers in your life. Instead of spending a lot of money on gift baskets, gift certificates, or other rewards and gifts for volunteers, you can instead print awards and hand them out. These will also be more thoughtful, and leave a lasting impression on the recipient for many years to come...

Using Awards in Education

Giving out awards for any reason is a great way to make people feel appreciated and to help them see that they are making a difference. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the workplace, at home, in the community, or even in education. Especially in education, it’s important to give students a reason and a drive to succeed; using awards and positive recognition is a great way to do just that. At a young age, children are excited to be in school. They thirst for knowledge and want to learn, because it is new and exciting. As the years pass, however, you might find some students becoming more lethargic or apathetic about education because they aren’t feeling appreciated or knowing how important it really is to succeed in school.....

Awards in the Workplace

Having employees who care about their jobs stems from having employers who care about their employees. Whether you're looking for employee motivation or employee recognition gifts, or even just a way to boost morale and leadership on the job, you can find free award and certificate template downloads that allow you to create fully customized documents that demonstrate your appreciation and the excellence of those who you are honoring. The best part is that the cost is much more affordable than fancy, expensive personalized gifts from corporate gift stores and other gift shops. And it doesn't matter whether you're awarding someone an excellence award for sales or just a congratulations for their anniversary with the company; there are all types of awards and certificates for every occasion you could imagine...


Certificate Template Guide
We created this guide to show case some of our most popular template categories and give you ideas of how you can use some of our certificate templates to celebrate those special occasions.

Click on each one section to learn more about our award templates:
- Sports certificate templates
- Romance and love certificate templates
- Character education certificate templates
- Reading and math certificate templates
- Cute animal certificate templates

Downloading a Certificate Template
Click the download link located below each certificate and save it to a preferred folder on your computer.

Downloading a Certificate Template
Click the download link located below each certificate and save it to a preferred folder on your computer.

Viewing a Certificate Template
Our templates require Adobe Reader 8.0. If you are unable to open the certificate please check to make sure you have the latest version. If not, you can download it here.

Filling out your Certificate
You can use Adobe Reader to type in your recipient’s name. Just click the ‘Name’ field to begin filling out the form.
You can also just hit print and write it in – remember to use your best handwriting or ask a friend who’s taken a course in calligraphy!

Printing your Certificate
Select the print button from the drop down menu. Make sure you have good quality paper in your printer. Trust us on this one – the paper makes ALL the difference. Make sure your printing preferences are set to high quality and color.
If you don’t have a color printer, you can always use colored paper and print in black and white. Yellows and greens are nice neutral colors for kids. You can go with a beige or gray for a more corporate look.

About Us

It was a dusky evening in Fort Lauderdale. My friend and I sat, our faces illuminated by the glow of her computer, our eyes dry and tired.

Our mission – to find the perfect certificate that she could present to students who had just completed her course in wellness and nutrition.

After having browsed the web for what seemed like an eternity, we gave up in frustration and decided to create our own. The final certificate, replete with a pretty dragon fly, looked so cute we couldn’t wait to create more.

And that, as they say…was the beginning!

PS – Why Free? People ask why My Award Maker is free. It’s quite simple really. We love good design. We think good design should be, like air and water, “FAE” - Freely Available Everywhere!

Copyright (c) 2009
hayleigh says: 2010-09-30 22:09:32
awesome cool sweet

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