It is a FACT that you can repair you credit on your own! The government and credit bureaus have been trying to brainwash us for years. The process is relatively simple; it is time consuming and can be frustrating with the credit bureaus efforts to stop you from pursuing your American Consumer Rights. You do however; have rights. Knowing the industry secrets, laws, tips, tricks and applying your efforts correctly can and will work with a bit of persistence.
Here at Credit Assistance Network we believe in helping people and would like to give you all the tools and information necessary for you to repair your credit yourself, for Free!!! We have revised the Original Credit Helper Guide to a Fully Interactive e-Book as well as a Printed publication. All Twenty (20) Legal Letters have been revised based on updated Federal Law and Knowledge and industry secrets from the author "Credit Assistance Network" in January 2006. There is simply an enormous amount of Information, Consumer Rights, Laws, Tools, Resources, and References rolled up into One Simple User Friendly Kit.
You can improve your credit on your own but it takes time, effort & persistence. If you would rather a team of trained credit professionals to work on your yredit related problems, we offer a full service which requires virtually no effort on your part.
This site will give you access to a free debt Repair Kit (using Adobe Acrobat) but for further intervention requires a monthly fee. - DF
©Credit Assistance Network Incorporated