Free FxFoto Photo Editor - The only photo software you'll need Easy, yet complete. Really Free!
Free FxFoto Photo Editor - The only photo software you'll need Easy, yet complete. Really Free!

Triscape, Inc.
25 Indian Rock Road #444
Windham, NH 03087
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This is the complete application, though deluxe features must be unlocked with an upgrade and a few creative and media features require a small addional download. The FxFoto download is only 2.4 MB and typically takes less than five minutes even over a dialup connection. Don't be fooled by the size. FxFoto is more capable than software that is ten or more times larger. We worked hard to keep FxFoto small so that it would be quick and easy to try.

Standard Edition

The Standard Edition is a free trial version of FxFoto. But unlike limited-time trials, the Standard Edition is good forever. It's really free!

FxFoto Standard provides organization and editing, including cropping, text annotation, auto improve, red eye and blemish removal and a powerful clone brush. It can save edited JPEG and TIFF photo files. But it cannot save FxFoto's own collage format for multi-photo layouts and slide shows.

The Standard Edition cannot create multi-photo collages, layouts, scrapbook pages and slide shows. And advanced creativity features such as FxFoto's artistic Filter Effects, Color Brush, Stamp Brush and special Crop Patterns are also not enabled. However, the Standard Edition has trial versions of most of these advanced commands which let you view the results on screen without saving. So in addition to being a surprisingly useful photo organization and editing tool, FxFoto Standard lets you try many advanced Deluxe and Creative features.

Media Edition

FxFoto Media enables all features. In addition to the capabilities found in the Deluxe and Creative editions, the Media Edition can convert collage and slide show presentations to movie files that can be burned to DVD with separate software. The software bundled with most DVD burners can record these MPEG movies to DVD or VCD discs for viewing on a home DVD player and TV.

Media converts slide shows to Flash for presentation over the web. Or convert to to MPEG-4 movies for YouTube or iPods. Supported movie formats also include MPEG-2, AVI and WMV. Plus Media can create Acrobat PDF files from photos or layouts.

Media also includes the ability to securely lock your photo folders so that they can be opened only with your password. Without the password, encrypted photos and shows cannot be viewed by FxFoto or with other software. Media can also save FxFoto slide shows that expire.

The Media Edition includes the same scrapbooking kits and additional graphics
described above for the Creative Edition.

You can upgrade from the Deluxe or Creative Editions to the full Media Edition for a reduced price. But it costs less to purchase the full Media Edition than to purchase the Creative Edition and then upgrade.

Copyright (c) 2009 Triscape Inc. All Rights Reserved. FxFoto is a registered trademark.
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