Free Phone images/Wallpaper-PhoneImage
PhoneImage has since 2001 specialized in color wallpaper pictures for cell phones. We have probably the largest free quality collection with over 10,000 pictures for over 800 mobile phone models, in total 8 million wallpaper pictures in the database. You can use our pictures as wallpaper, background or screensaver on virtually all modern mobile phones. On some phones you can also use our pictures as caller ID to be shown when somebody calls you (a wallpaper of a monkey shown on your cell phone when your boss calls etc).
You and everyone else can upload your favorite picture , which we automatically covert to the wallpaper format of all modern cell phones.
If your particular phone is not yet supported, you can add a new phone model to our database, in less than 5 minutes, and then enjoy all the 10,000+ wallpaper and screensaver pictures immediately afterwards.
Out of our 10,000 pictures, over 80% are free, and for the remaining 2,000 pictures we charge only 8 cents to cover our costs for the web servers. If you download all the 8,000 free pictures, you still make no commitment to buy anything! We do this mainly for fun. So yes, this is a free lunch! You have however to check your cellular plan, we charge you nothing, your service provider may charge you some fee for the data transfer - we have no relation to them.
