Galerie - Mac freeware at
Galerie - Mac freeware at

iEntry, Inc.
2549 Richmond Road
Second Floor
Lexington, KY 40509
Phone: (859) 514-2720
Fax: (859) 219-9065


Galerie runs on Mac OS X (10.2 to 10.4).

Galerie is freeware, so completely free of charge

Galerie is Universal Binary

This program generates media gallery web pages from iPhoto, GraphicConverter, iView MediaPro, Extensis Portfolio 7 or from any set of pictures and/or QuickTime media files.

It is recommanded to download and use the latest templates with this version.

Generating a web gallery using Galerie is very easy: Select pictures in iPhoto, GraphicConverter or iView MediaPro, click a button and the generated gallery is loaded into your web browser.

Collections of editable templates and many options are available to let you create a variety of different galleries. You do not need to know HTML language to use Galerie.

Various QuickTime compatible files (MOV, MID, WAV, AIFF, KAR... ) can be mixed with pictures by drag & drop. Movies, sounds, virtual reality panoramas, etc. will be played in a gallery page.

For each picture or media file, a comment can be added or edited.

The generated gallery can be sent to your FTP server.

A visitor counter is displayed on your gallery. Visitors can add comments on your gallery.

Available languages: French, English, German, Italian, Dutch and Japanese (partially).

If you regularly post your pictures for others to see, this is a must have. is an iEntry Network publication - 1998-2009 All Rights Reserved

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