Kansas Department of Revenue Individual & Business Taxes Forms
Kansas Department of Revenue Individual & Business Taxes Forms
Tax Assistance
Docking State Office Building
Room 150
915 SW Harrison Street
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Phone: 785-368-8222
Fax: 785-291-3614
email: tac@kdor.state.ks.us
Personal - Taxation
Common Kansas tax forms and instructions may be available at local places of convenience or at the Kansas Department of Revenue Assistance Center in Topeka. Kansas tax forms can be obtained by calling the Kansas Taxline at 785-296-4937 and choosing the option for ordering tax forms, or sending an e-mail to forms@kdor.state.ks.us .
Forms are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available for free from Adobe's web site.
Taxation - Individual Income
Should I file as a resident or nonresident of Kansas?
If you moved into Kansas last year, you have the option to file a Kansas return as either a resident or a nonresident. As a resident, you must file a Kansas income tax return if you file a Federal income tax return or if your income is greater than the combined total of your Kansas standard deduction and your personal exemption amount.
As a nonresident, you must file a Kansas income tax return if you have any income from Kansas sources.
It is to your benefit to examine both the resident and nonresident filing options in determining your tax liability.
What should I do before I mail my return?
Before mailing your Kansas income tax return, please:
* Enter your Social Security number and that of your spouse in the boxes
* If you receive a tax booklet, check to see if the name and address on your
mailing label is correct. If not, make any necessary corrections on the
label and check the box for name or address change.
* If a credit for taxes paid to another state is claimed, a copy of the other
state's return must be enclosed.
* If your address is outside of Kansas, you must enclose a copy of your
Federal return and federal schedules A through F. If your address is in
Kansas, you do not need to include a copy of your Federal return.
* Sign your return. If married filing a joint return, both you and your spouse
must sign the return.
* If you are claiming any credits requiring a special Kansas schedule, include
that schedule with your return.
* If you are making a payment, complete Kansas Payment Voucher (K-40V).
Enclose the voucher and your payment with your return. Please write your
Social Security number on the payment.
* Do not staple any of your documents or enclosures together.
* Attach sufficient postage when mailing. Returns with more than five pages
may require additional postage.
* If you completed Schedule S, be sure to include it with your K-40 return.
Mailing Address: http://www.ksrevenue.org/taxindmailingadds.htm
Kansas Department of Revenue mailing addresses for individuals. Be sure to use
the correct zip code for the tax type you are mailing.
Can I make payments if I owe a tax debt ?
Yes. See Payment Plan Request for Individuals if you owe an individual income tax debt
Taxation - Corporate Income
Do I need to file a separate election to be treated as a Subchapter S corporation?
No. If you are a Subchapter S corporation for income tax purposes, you are automatically a Subchapter S corporation for Kansas purposes and are required to file as a Subchapter S corporation except if you are a bank, saving and loan or trust company.
Can a bank file as a Subchapter S corporation for Kansas?
No. A bank, saving and loan or trust company having Subchapter S status for federal filing purposes, is required to file the Privilege tax return for Kansas.
Am I required to file a short period return?
If you are required to file a short period return for federal income tax purposes, you are also required to file one for Kansas.
Individual Income tax and Business tax mode of payments:
Kansas taxes can be paid by credit card through the following vendors:
* Official Payments Corporation (OPC)
o American Express
o Discover
o MasterCard
o Visa
Payments can also be made by telephone through OPC by calling 1-800-2PAYTAX (1-800-578-9829). The Kansas jurisdiction code is 2600. For payment verification inquiries, call 1-866-621-4109. Allow 48 hours for processing.
* Value Payment Systems (VPS)
o Bill Me Later ®
o Discover
o MasterCard
o Visa
o Debit Card
VPS processes payments for Kansas Individual Income Tax only. For payment verification inquiries, call 1-888-877-0450. Allow 48 hours for processing.
Where can I get help with my taxes?
Customers needing help are encouraged to visit the various sections of our website or call the Kansas Taxline at 1-785-368-8222. The Kansas Department of Revenue also provides free assistance in Topeka, on the first floor of the Docking State Office Building at 915 Southwest Harrison. Our hours in Topeka are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Copyright (c) 2009, Kansas Department of Revenue