Oklahoma Tax Commission Online Services
Oklahoma Tax Commission Online Services


Oklahoma Tax Commission
Connors Building, Capitol Complex
2501 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73194
Phone: (405)521-3160

Oklahoma Tax Commission
Online Services

* Income Tax Online Filing
* QuickTax
* Business Tax Online Filing
* New! Gross Production System
* Franchise Online Reporting for Zero Liability Only
* Sales and Use Tax Rate Locator System
* Sales Tax Permit Look-up System
* OERB Assessment/Marginal Well System
* OTC File Transfer System
* OTC Forms Request System (income tax forms)
* Professional License Compliance System
* Manufactured Home and Lien Information Search System
* Mobile Home System
* Electronic Report Retrieval System
* Electronic Tax Warrant System

Free Income Tax Assistance Available Across the State

Oklahoma taxpayers who want assistance with preparation and filing of their income tax returns have free help available in many locations across the state. The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) programs have opened their sites this week to provide income tax assistance to taxpayers who qualify. VITA offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $42,000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. TCE helps low- and middle- income taxpayers with special attention to those who are 60 years of age and older.

Taxpayers will need to bring the following items to the VITA/TCE site:

* A photo id
* Valid social security cards for the taxpayer, spouse and dependents
* Birth dates for everyone who will be listed on the return
* Wage and earning statement(s) including forms W2, W2G, 1099R from all
* Interest and dividend statements from banks (form 1099)
* A copy of last year’s federal and state returns, if available
* Bank routing numbers and account numbers (if they want direct deposit)
* Other relevant information about income and expenses
* Total paid for daycare and daycare provider’s identifying number and address
* If the taxpayer is filing a joint return, both taxpayers must be present to
sign the return prior to filing

FAQ: Business Tax Questions

What tax types are available on QuickTax?

The QuickTax System accepts the following reports and remittances:
* Sales Tax
* Withholding Tax
* Nonresident Royalty Withholding Tax
* Tourism Tax
* Use Tax: Vendor
* Use Tax: Consumers
* Waste Tire
* Mixed Beverage

Do I have to mail in any type of signature document for reports filed through this system?

No. There are no signature documents required with this system. Your PIN operates as your signature on your filed reports.

Copyright © 2009, Oklahoma Tax Commission
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