Save your caps, score a free t-shirt from Pixie Mate
Save your caps, score a free t-shirt from Pixie Mate
Pixie Mate
4720 Table Mesa Drive, Suite F
Boulder, CO 80305
Get free Pixie Mate gear by saving your caps and sending them into us in Boulder, CO.
Free T-Shirt
Hey Pixie Mate Addict! Wanna Free T-shirt? Simply mail in 10 caps from our new Organic Energy Tea along with a quick note of where you found us and why you like mate and then we'll hook you up with a free Pixie Mate t-shirt.
Our address is: 4720 Table Mesa Drive, Suite F, Boulder, CO 80305.
Or, if you've forgotten where the post office is in this hi-tek world... email us a photo of you and your clearly displayed 10 caps and we'll take care of you all the same. Don't forget to include your own mailing address and shirt size.
Thanks for your support!
What is Mate & Why the Buzz?
Energy and antioxidant rich alternative to coffee and tea - Pixie Mate
Mate is the gentle hum of an awakened mind and a vibrant body. It is energy that's balanced, not frantic. The people of the South American rain forest discovered the magic before we did. From these green leaves emerged the tea that sings the body electric. With a llama-load of antioxidants, mate trickles grinning into your system. It won't leave you drooping or demand addiction. Drink deep. You're safe here.
Yerba mate is an organic coffee alternative that grows in the rainforest in South America. Pixie Mate is sourced from Argentina and is loaded with antioxidants.
Copyright (c) 2006 All Rights Reserved Pixie Mate
