- 11000+ FREE worksheets, 600+ FREE workbooks! - 11000+ FREE worksheets, 600+ FREE workbooks!
Comp Ed, Inc.
P.O. Box 1153
Sun City, Arizona 85372
FAX: 623-374-3304
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SchoolExpress has a variety of educational materials. We have lots of FREE items..
Teachers, homeschooling families, parents, children, and grandparents use our site.
Numerous FREE items including 11,000+ worksheets, 600+ workbooks, make your own worksheets and awards, games, and software.
All the worksheets are copyrighted by Comp Ed, Inc. You may print these worksheets or download them to your computer. You may make copies of the worksheets for use in your school classroom, homeschool, or for tutoring. You may not store these on any server.
You may not place these on any website for others to access. You may not distribute these worksheets to anyone. They are only for your use. Anyone wanting access to these worksheets must come to the website to access them.
The fax is only to be used if you want to place a fax order.If you have questions please do not fax your questions to us. Please email us with your questions.
Copyright 2008 Comp Ed, Inc. Updated weekly.
