The Free Science Fair Projects Network, featuring the best free science project resources on the net.
The Free Science Fair Projects Network, featuring the best free science project resources on the net.
The Free Science Fair Projects Network
1811 Almo Ave
Burley, ID 83318
Phone: 208-678-5646
The Free Science Fair Projects Network provides you with real help for your projects without all the popups. We bring you the best free resources for your science fair projects available on the net.
Welcome to the Free Science Fair Projects Network!
The Free Science Fair Projects Network brings you the best resources on the internet for your science fair projects, without popups and banners. Select your school grade and take a look at the examples of real completed projects. If you already have an idea and just need some information to complete your science fair project, use the resources broken down by topic for the best free information on the internet.
The Basics of a Science Project
Before getting started on your science fair project, there is one important thing to keep in mind: keep it simple! Sometimes people think that a complicated science fair project will score higher with the judges and be much more impressive. The opposite is actually true.
A good project focuses tightly on one thing so that you can determine if changing only one variable results in a measurable difference. By doing this, you will be able to repeat the results in a consistent way, thus proving or disproving your hypothesis.
With this idea in mind, lets see what steps are involved in your science fair project.
Free Examples of Elementary School Science Fair Projects
Here is where you will find a free list of Elementary School Science Fair Projects. The schools, organizations and individuals listed here have posted their finished science fair projects online giving you some great ideas and examples for your own project.
Free Examples of Middle School Science Fair Projects
Here is where you will find a free list of Middle School Science Fair Projects. The schools, organizations and individuals listed here have posted their finished science fair projects online giving you some great ideas and examples for your own project.
Free Examples of High School Science Fair Projects
Here is where you will find a free list of High School Science Fair Projects. The schools, organizations and individuals listed here have posted their finished science fair projects online giving you some great ideas and examples for your own project.
* Many of these science projects use materials that are available around the
house, making them very cheap, or completely free! Others require materials
that are available from reputable suppliers of science products like Edmund
Scientific and
Free Science Fair Projects Database
Welcome to the Free Science Fair Projects Network database! Begin your search by selecting your category and grade level from the menu on the left. Once you have displayed a list of projects below, click on them to find out more details about the project, including a link to the completed project.
These projects are actual science fair projects completed by real students. There is no cost to see these projects and many of them are very detailed and include pictures, graphs, etc.
About Us
John and Gina Ellis, founders of the Free Science Fair Projects Network. Proud parents and grandparents of children with curious minds! Our goal at the Free Science Fair Projects Network is to bring you only the best available resources that are out there on the internet into one place. We want to be your "home page" of useful and free resources for science fair projects.
The Free Science Fair Projects Network (c)2006, 2008
