Virginia Department of Accounts - Individual & Business Taxes Forms
Virginia Department of Accounts - Individual & Business Taxes Forms

Virginia Department of Accounts
3610 West Broad
Richmond, VA 23230
Phone: (804)367-8031
Fax: (804)254-6113

Department of Taxation's Vision

* One vision, one team, one voice
* Customers first in everything we do
* TAX performance is the benchmark for business and government
* Our culture will be based on trust, fairness, and mutual respect

Need a Form?

* Individual Forms and Instructions (if you file your Individual income tax return
on paper in 2009, please read this important notice)
o Download forms
o Request a form be mailed to you
- Email us your request
- Call us at (804) 440-2541
o Pick up blank forms at your Local Commissioner of Revenue Office

* Business Forms and Instructions
o Download forms
o Request a form be mailed to you
- Email us your request
- Call us at (804) 440-2541

* Purchase a Virginia Package X
o Package X is a consolidated publication of every Individual Income tax,
Corporate Income tax, Pass-Through Entity tax, Fiduciary Income tax and
Litter tax form, schedule and instruction. This publication sells for
$8.00. To order a Package X, complete the Package X Order Form (PDF 15 Kb),
attach a check or money order and mail to the address on the order form.
o To order prior year Package Xs, attach a separate listing which includes
the year of the Package X, number of Package Xs, your name, address and
telephone number.

* IRS Forms and Instructions
* Other States Forms

Individual Income Tax Forms

* 301-IND - Enterprise Zone Credit
* 760 - Resident Individual Income Tax Return
* 760C - Underpayment of Estimated tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
* 760ES - VA Estimated Income Tax Payment Vouchers and Instructions for Individuals
* 760F - Form & Instructions for Underpayment of Estimated tax by Farmers and
* 760IP - Virginia Automatic Extension Payment
* 760PY - Part-Year Resident Individual Income Tax Return
* 762 - Return of Tangible Personal Property, Machinery and Tools, and Merchant's
Capital - for local taxation only
* 763 - Nonresident Individual Income Tax Return
* 763S - Claim for Individual Income Tax Withheld
* 765 Schedule L - Unified Nonresident Income Tax Return List of Participants
* 765 - Unified Nonresident Individual Income Tax Return
* 770 - VA Fiduciary Income Tax Return
* 770ES - Virginia Estimated Income Tax Payment Vouchers For Estates, Trusts and
Unified Nonresidents
* 770IP - Virginia Fiduciary and Unified Nonresident Automatic Extension Payment
* CU-7 - Form & Instructions for Virginia Consumer's Use Tax Return for Individuals
* Schedule ADJ - VA Schedule ADJ
* Schedule CR - Credit Computation Schedule for Forms 760, 760PY, 763 and 765
* Schedule NPY - Schedule NPY (Form 763 and Form 760PY filers)
* Schedule OSC - Credit for Tax Paid to Another State

Business Tax Information
* Registering a Business in Virginia
* Download Forms
* Tax Facts (Summary of Taxes and Filing Requirements)

Sales and Use Tax
* Retail Sales Tax
* Electronic Funds Transfer
* Non-Prescription Drugs
* Penalty and Interest
* Federal Government Credit Card Purchases

Withholding Tax
* Withholding Taxes
* Quarterly Filers
* Monthly Filers
* Semiweekly Filers
* Employer Withholding Tax Calculator
* Penalty and Interest
* Electronic Funds Transfer
* Tape and Diskette filing of W-2 Data
o General Filing Information
o W2 Data Magnetic Media Filing Instructions Booklet

Corporate Income Tax
* Foreign Corporations
* Domestic Corporations
* Filing Requirements
* Penalty and Interest
* Filing Options for Affiliated Corporations
* Electronic Funds Transfer
* Net Operating Losses
* Virginia Income Tax Fixed Date Conformity

Pass Through Entity Reporting
* Filing Requirements

Litter Tax
* Who is Subject to the Tax
* Return and Due date for filing
* Tax rates
* Penalty and Interest
* Application of the tax

Communications Taxes
* Virginia Communications Taxes Information Center

Miscellaneous Taxes - see Tax Facts
* Bank Franchise Tax
* Dealer's Aircraft Sales and Use Tax
* Motor Vehicle Fuel
* Peanut Excise Tax
* Rolling Stock Tax on Railroads and Freight Car Companies
* Sheep Tax
* Soft Drink Excise Tax
* Soybean Assessment
* Tire Tax
* Virginia Apple Excise Tax
* Virginia Corn Assessment
* Virginia Cotton Assessment
* Virginia Egg Excise Assessment
* Virginia Forest Products Tax for Small Manufactures
* Virginia Forest Products Tax
* Virginia Small Grains Assessment
* Watercraft Sales and Use Tax

* Cigarette Tax
o General Liability
o Filing Procedure
o Tax Rates
o Penalties
o Forms
o Contact Information
* Cigarette Manufacturers
o General Information
o Penalty
o Reporting Form
o Contact Information
* Tobacco Products Tax
o General Liability
o Filing Procedure
o Tax Rates
o Penalties and Interest
o Disposition
o Tobacco Products Tax FAQs
o Additional Assistance

Copyright (c) 2009 Virginia Department of Taxation. All rights reserved.
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