abcteach -- 5000+ free printable pages and worksheets
abcteach -- 5000+ free printable pages and worksheets
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A quality educational site offering 5000+ FREE printable theme units, word puzzles, writing forms, book report forms,math, ideas, lessons and much more. Great for new teachers, student teachers , homeschooling and teachers who like creative ways to teach. Join the popular membership section!
Thousands of FREE printable worksheets and activities
Over 35,000 pages of worksheets and activities, abctools, and more, available to members. Read more
abcteach Categories
* Subjects * Holidays, Months, & Seasons
* Reading Comprehension * Theme Units
* Research/Reports * Think Green, Teach Green
* Teaching Extras * Learning Centers
* PowerPoint * PreK/Early Childhood
* Portfolios * Middle School/Junior High
* Flashcards * Homeschoolers & Parents
* Fun Activities * Languages/ESL
* Clip Art
abctools - custom worksheet generators
Make your own documents! Just click on one of the icons below to try a sample program, print our ready-made samples, and preview the features available to members.
* ABC Sort * Handwriting * Shapebook & Border Paper
* Word Wall * Word Search * Unscramble
* Crossword * Math * BINGO
* Sudoku * Word Shape * Spelling
* Missing Letter * Circle & Spell
Sandy's Picks
Highlighted Directories:
* >> Holidays, Months, and Seasons >> Seasons >> Spring
* >> Holidays, Months, and Seasons >> Months >> May >> Teacher
Appreciation Week
* >> Theme Units >> End of School Year
* >> Teaching Extras >> Memory Books
About Us
abcteach aim …
To be a user-friendly educational site that provides quality printable materials for immediate use by teachers, education majors, and parents.
abcteach free site …
Over two million people visit the free site each month to find outstanding material for preschool through eighth grade. Currently, there are over five thousand documents (from simple worksheets to full ten-page units) on the free site, with new materials being added every month. A monthly newsletter is available to anyone who wants to stay on top of the newest materials added to the free site.
abcteach membership site…
The abcteach membership site was created to help offset the costs of maintaining the increasingly popular site. Members gain access to an even larger selection of cross-curricular materials that are available through simple downloads. The collection of over 20,000 documents is constantly expanding, reflecting current events and educational trends as well as member requests. The site features over three thousand images of teacher-oriented clip art, and new clip art is added every week. Members receive a weekly newsletter notifying them of the newest material on the member site and highlighting other materials of topical interest. Members also have access to abctools, a group of generators for creating personalized worksheets tailored to the specific needs and interests of the students.
abctools generators…
abctools are designed to help teachers create the documents they need for their classrooms when they can't find exactly what they are looking for elsewhere. We currently have tools for creating handwriting worksheets (ZB-Style Font, D’Nealian, Handwriting Without Tears, and Queensland), crossword puzzles, shapebooks, word walls, word unscrambles, word searches, math_worksheets, and sudoku. You can try all of our tools for free!
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